Where all design starts is with a problem that requires a solution. Those initial thoughts, those initial few lines on paper, the germ of an idea that can become something real and tangible, that is the space concept occupies. Where we thrive as designers is at this germination, our skill is to turn thought into reality. To articulate that thought onto paper, into model, through video, CAD, VR and other media is where concept lies. Engaging early on a project offers the opportunity to investigate the client need, assist in understanding what may be required and be taken on a journey of what is possible. The concept stage enables exploration, idea exchange and consideration of need.
featured Concept | Unbuilt Projects
Park of Keir Tennis Centre
Client not stated
£15m new build on greenfield site
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Eiries Park Stadium
Denbighshire Council
£12m new build on brownfield site
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New Office & Production Unit
PP Plasma Ltd
£5m new build on brownfield site
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Further projects coming
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New HQ
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue
£7m new build on brownfield site
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Sports Hall Refurbishment
Winstanley College
£2m extension and refurbishment
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New Office
Asons Solicitors Ltd
£5m new build on brownfield site
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New HQ
Lancashire Fire & Rescue
£8m new build on brownfield site
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Social Sciences Block
Winstanley College
£1.5m extension
text coming shortly
Clarendon LC Refurbishment
Alliance Leisure Services Ltd
£4m extension and refurbishment
text coming shortly