The legacy of the religious further of the past has left some of the most iconic buildings to be seen in the landscape of the United Kingdom. Many of these buildings are protected by listing and the works carried out on them are often controlled by the Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC). Whilst historic ecclesiastical buildings are rich in their architectural heritage they are often under funded in relation to their repair. The provision of new ecclesiastical buildings has a differing set of multi-cultural needs to address, though the philosophical basis for new provision is often a consideration of the intrinsic values that maintained the standing of earlier buildings.
featured Ecclesiastical Projects
Trinity Church Refurbishment
Trinity Methodists
£800k refurbishment
text coming shortly
Further projects coming
text coming shortly
New Worship Centre
Chorley URC
£2.5m new build on brownfield site
text coming shortly
Quinquennial Works
St Peters Church, Halliwell
£150k restoration
text coming shortly